Saturday, November 19, 2005

News from the homefront

Three very reliable sources (2 moms and the house director) have informed me that all is going well at the houses. Of course I don't think they would tell me if things were going horribly, but I trust them. As for me the Romanian language is slowly exiting my memory bank and I miss everyone dearly, but all of that is worth being here in the States and with my family. I have finally settled down in Ohio and am starting to catch up on the sleep I've been missing out on the past 10 months. I've done more shopping than I am proud to admit, but what can a girl do when there really isn't shopping to be done when I am in Romania. My mom's sister and brother and their families and my Gran are coming up this week for Thanksgiving. And I will see most of my dad's brothers and sisters and their families this week (they live in the area). Tomorrow I am sharing with a children's Sunday School class at a church that has been collecting clothing for the children and donated their VBS missions funds to Livada. I guess I need to go figure out what I am going to talk about.
Keep praying for our kids:
to have hearts for Jesus
to be trained up in righteousness
to be healed from their pasts


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