It was Christmas all over again
I got my bags last night! My living room looked it had been hit by a tornado...clothes over here, food over there, games for the kids thrown in that corner and so on. It's looking a little better, but I still have a lot to put away. I also jimmy-rigged my curtains up. Is jimmy-rig really a word because I don't think I used it until I got to Romania.
The kids are great. They've been enjoying the foosball tables that got for Christmas, finishing up homework, playing games inside and soccer outside. The weather is's been raining and everything is covered in mud. We want snow! If I have my facts straight it hasn't snowed since the last weekend in October!
The biggest change is that Daniel Simon from Casa Nadia is now living with a foster family (he is still in Livada's care, but under a new roof). Our pshchologist goes out to see him two times a week and he is apparently doing very well. The family lives further out in the country and has animals, so he is loving that...this is the kids that made a dog house for the puppies that showed up on our property and after they were gone found a kitten and brought it into the house and hid it in his closet.
Our kids (Laura, Ibi and Zorro) that are being "homeschooled" have their big exams at school this month. Adi (6th grade) is really working hard to learn multiplication. School starts again on Monday for the kids, so we have a few more days of freedom.
Woo hoo, a post : )
I'm excited as ever to hear of your shindigs! And, I think jimmy-rigging SHOULD be a real word if it's not. So there.
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