Field trip
It was a crisp, sunny morning Thursday when we arrived at the houses. All the children were dressed, all the supplies prepared. We were going sledding. We took off towards the mountains and travelled until the town of Bucin (Boo-cheen), stopping only for the occassional car sick child. There was only one hill, but it was perfect and the snow was up to my knees at the bottom of it. Down the hill and back up again, all day long. We stopped for a lunch break and then they were back at it again. I'm happy to say the only blood inducing injuries were when Bethany sliced her thumb on a sled and when I was snow-balled in the face from only a foot away, which resulted in immediate swelling of my lip, a bit of a bloody nose, and tears from the pain but mostly from the laughing.
Go Catalina, go!
I'm the one in the blue coat and pink hat going down...I have bruises from that ride.
Yep, that's the Tibbetts. She's got grace even on a sled.
that's incredible
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