Friday, December 16, 2005

little tidbits

it snowed yesterday and left a lovely blanket of white across everything (except the now muddy and slushy roads).

snowball fights are incredibly fun. i enjoyed one with some of the nadia and ana kids last night. in Romania people tell each other "i'm going to wash you," meaning they are going to pelt you with snow and make sure you are covered.

our staff Christmas party is tomorrow night and the Americans are cookin' for the Romanians! Bethany and i are in charge of the cookies and brownies. estimated party attendance: 100 adults. that's a lot of food.

who knew peanut butter cookies were so difficult/weird to make?! after thinking, "this can't be right! what is going on? did i miss an ingredient? should i call my mom?" i realized that when you roll the dough into balls, all the miniscule crumbs stick together. we shall see if they hold after i do the little criss-cross with the fork.

bethany and i are turning into romanians...last time we went shopping we bought salami. and to top that off we've been eating it as romanians do...on a piece of buttered bread. yes, open-face.

please pray for the 6 boxes of Christmas presents mailed in early November (or maybe even October) to get here this week, preferably Monday so we can pick them up on Tuesday and wrap during the week.


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