Friday, February 23, 2007

Your prayers are not useless

A few weeks ago Pastor Nicu shared with us during the evening service Philippians 1:19, “for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance,” and he reminded us that praying for one another is not ineffective. Paul knew that the church was praying for him as he was imprisoned, and he knew that their prayers along with the work of the Lord would result in his deliverance.
In the same way I know that your prayers for me, for our staff, for the children and especially for Daniel Simon are valuable and helpful. The month is not over, nor is the battle. Daniel spent a week in the local neuropsychiatric children’s hospital (where though he was quite sedated, he managed to steal from several of the other patients and their families), and his medicine was regulated. He’s now been home at Casa Nadia a week and praise God that he sleeps at night and for a couple hours during the day because that is about the only time there is peace in the house.
The last effort for this lost and troubled boy is a therapeutic family/home requiring at least $3000/month. We are looking for four qualified people to work in shifts, willing to love and fight for (and with) Daniel. We are looking for a small house to rent. Daniel is ten years old and after a conference call with a developmental psychologist from the States, we realized that it will take at least ten months to bring about change to his behavior and healing. His brain chemicals are all out of whack, he is in a chronic state of fear and has very little seritonin to balance him out.
The situation seems hopeless. I think if it were a year later it would be, but at this point we are still hoping and praying for change and for deliverance. Please continue to pray with us. We are holding out with Daniel at Casa Nadia for another month and then Lord willing will be able to start this program.

If you want to be a part of Daniel's sponsorship team, you can let me know.


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