Thursday, November 22, 2007

Giving Thanks

This morning my brother and I attempted to find a nintendo wii. The Kmart opened at 7 and when we got there at 6:40 there were already 100 people in line. Folks, it's Thanksgiving day, not the Friday after Thanksgiving. At 6:50 a lady came out to annouce that tickets had already been given out and that there were no more wiis. Not really a surprise considering we've been looking and calling places for 2 weeks and they always sell out in the first 15 minutes of the store being open. We checked out another Kmart and when we pulled into the parking lot at 7:02, we pulled right back out when we saw that the line was even longer as people were filing into the store.

But this is not a story about not being able to find game systems in this country.

As I was riding home I started to think about my Romanian friends and what they lived through during communism. The younger ones remember just being able to get oranges at Christmas. Others tell stories of waiting 4 hours in line for milk or meat and it not being available when it was their turn. One friend told a story of being 7 months pregnant, waiting in line and a riot starting around her...over vegetables.

We have so much to be thankful for here in America. Everything we need to survive, to live a healthy life is available. Most of our Thanksgiving tables are full, not only of food, but also of the ones we love. We are free to live, love, worship, speak, buy, drive, work, etc.

Tomorrow if you're joining the crowds on the biggest shopping day in America, be thankful you don't have to wait in line for milk and remember it's just stuff that will pass away, break, rust, or be stolen.


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