Saturday, January 28, 2006


This kid has stolen my heart. It is amazing watching his life change, seeing his teachableness (is that even a word), and being a part of teaching him the truths of God's word. He has such an open heart and is hungry for the Truth and accepts it. The best thing about him learning how to read is that he can now read the Bible.

Free time

There are some moments when I think, "This is how it's supposed to be." We still have arguments and fights (almost daily), but they are usually not as explosive. We still have disobedience and talking back, but sometimes I see sympathy and friendships and respect.

After a long time without music (they broke the cord after 2 weeks) I purchased a new cable and we have been enjoying Christian music. Kati loves singing Christian songs-pray that she would apply their truths to her life.

Daniel enjoying a new book that had been translated into Romanian.

Playing the game of kerplunk with Mama Gabi.

A game of Jenga turned into building blocks as Mama Ili and Daniel and Catalina play.

Pocket money

Let's call it a mixed blessing-230,000 lei (about $7.50) given to Romanian children who are enrolled in school. Ok, ok I guess it's a good thing that our kids are learning about money at a young age, and it's great that they are learning about tithing and saving and even about earning. 10% goes to church, about 40% goes into savings (for bigger purchases later on, bought only with permission from me and their person of reference), 20% is able to be earned by doing jobs around the house and the rest is the pocket money they can use for whatever and whenever.

My favorite is the money the kids can earn because they are developing a work ethic they never had before...and of course Casa Ana is looking cleaner than it ever has. A few Saturdays ago I had barely walked in the door when they were asking for jobs to do to earn money.

Apparently the doors were dirty, so Claudia climbed up on a stool to get the parts she couldn't reach. She also worked on scrubbing marks off the walls, and was such a hard worker and would call me over every few minutes to ask where else she needed to scrub.

Elis cleaned the windows inside and out and had a great attitude when I pointed out the streaks.

I told Claudiu the other day that he's going to make his wife very happy, as ironing is something that he is really great at.

Cornel vaccuuming the stairs (we were running out of things for them to do) with a great attitude and smile.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Puzzle Pieces

Do you ever have times in your life when you see the big picture, you know the goal, but you can't seem to take the first steps? I am having a hard time dividing up the tasks and tackling what is ahead (and what is ahead is no small thing-it's lives and futures).

I just read Nehemiah today and I think, "How on earth did he get that wall built? The odds were against Him. Everything was just rubble. And to top that off his enemies were really mean and discouraging and distracting."

Please pray that I would be able to take the puzzle apart and work on a piece at a time, or perhaps even multi-task. Some of the pieces I know are there include: teaching the kids appropriate problem solving techniques, helping the kids succeed in school, being highly involved with Claudiu and Zorro's education, impressing God's truth on them, watching and being involved in their healing processes, leading the educational team, planning vacation times, coming up with activities/discussions that are fun/educational/beneficial, helping the kids get rid of sinful and hateful habits, and so on.

The latest lowdown on Casa Ana: things were great for a while, kids were well-behaved and problems were small. Then there was a little backsliding last Wednesday night, involving a black eye and lots of name-calling and threats of hitting someone over the head with a chair while he slept. Saturday things were back to normal thankfully. Please keep praying for peace and for healing and for the kids to get rid of the fury in their lives.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

My Day

In Romanian, "my day of birth," is shorted to "my day," and it very much was my day. I felt like a princess. I was given three-yes, count them, 3-surprise parties and many other little surprises along the way. At Casa Ana they made a cake and sang happy birthday. At Casa Nadia the older boys had picked out a necklace for me and we had snacks and the kids had made cards for me. Then that evening Bethany threw a surprise party for me in which friends from the houses came over bearing flowers and a gift. I also received TWO phone calls from the Trooks and apparently there are two packages waiting at the post office. In spite of the fact that I am 27 (though Zorro tells me I am still young), it was a great day.

I told the kids from Ana, all I wanted for a b-day gift was a good picture of all of us together. I'm sad to say, I didn't get my wish, but 8 out of 11 isn't bad.

Well, it was not something I would have chosen for myself, but it was a gift from the heart, agreed upon by Janos, Madalin, Daniel and Adi from Casa Ana.

"Who on earth could be at the door?" Why, it's Elena, Septi, Mira, Cristina, Olesia, David and Paula. What a surprise (except for the fact that I caught you all whispering)!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Boys will be boys

Quite possibly the only moment of the evening when all of the boys were sitting still, Claudiu, Zorro, Cornel and Daniel watch Tom and Jerry. Later in the evening they definitely attached Bethany with pillows.
Mmmm, pancakes. With Bethany's help we decided that they come from the times of cowboys and explained the concept to the boys. They were a little skeptical of the maple syrup at first, but emmensely enjoyed breakfast as you can see on Daniel's face.
I think Claudiu is a sanguine.

Young ladies' sleepover 12/30

Mmmmm...the yummy goodness of the restaurant Villa Helvetia. Educator Paula with Elis, Maria and Simona. All of the young girls orders pork snitzel and french fries.
Making cookies, making a mess and having some fun.
We stayed up until 1 or 2 watching movies and got up between 9 and 10. I made french toast for the girls and we cleaned up and headed back home.

Email update

What?! It's 2006? Unbelievable. That is also an accurate word to describe all that I have seen and heard in the last year. I wish that I had time to share every story, but I don’t even know all of the stories. I think one thing that I personally have learned this year is that it is hard to put the spiritual together with the physical. I would say that I spent a good portion of 2005 crying out to God, clinging to Him and to His word, but waiting for the action. This last part, I’ve been doing the deal; I’ve been on the front lines of this battlefield, but I’ve left Him behind, not purposely (and not without guilt), but it has happened. My personal prayer for this year is that I would set my heart on seeking the Lord and put the two together. The action is not going to come to a halt; the kids still have homework, life and problems. The verses that keep coming up are, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” Deuteronomy 6:5-7.

I am thankful that the Lord knows the number of days I have left in Romania, and that I do not have to worry about the unknown. I just pray that I will live each day this year with my heart, soul, and strength loving him and that I would be open to those daily teachable moments of impressing His word on His kids.

Thank you for continually praying for the kids in Casa Ana and the people that work with them. The long-term prayer continues to be for fruit that will last, and the greatest need for each of these children is for them to recognize Jesus as Lord and Savior. Please pray specifically for:

Simona, 15- to have a heart for God and His word and to be a good example for the younger children in the house

Maria, 13-for God to strengthen the compassion I see in her and for her to learn how to appropriately deal with anger

Cornel, 11-for God to use His gentle spirit and for him to grow in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus

Daniel, 9- for God to soften his anger and for him to make an attachment with an adult in the house

Claudia, 7- she is blossoming! Pray for her to continue to develop appropriately in all areas and to have a heart for the Lord

Claudiu, 13- pray for his reading ability to grow, as he desires to read God’s word. Pray for God to heal an illness he has and for his heart to be healed from abusive past.

Zorro, 10-pray for his fear to be removed and that he would stop starting fights with the other children. Pray that he would continue to progress in school and have a desire to learn. Pray for healing from his abusive past.

Elis, 14- pray for Elis to learn the world does not revolve around her and for her to have a heart for Jesus.

Kati, 11- what a horrible past this girl has. Pray for healing and restoration. Pray for her to know Jesus and pray for her to let Him defend her when she feels she needs to put up her current defenses (horrible language and making fun of people)

Catalina, 10- pray against her picking up the bad habits of the older girls and for her heart to be soft. Pray for her to be able to continue her relationships with her brothers who are still at Ludus.

I pray that you too, would set your heart on seeking the Lord this year. I know He has more in store for us than we can even begin to imagine.