Sunday, March 18, 2007


means forgetting you are/were the victim.

One of the teenagers from church shared a poem this evening and this thought flew out to me. It's truth. Jesus was beat up, spit on, made fun of, stripped and then crucified. Yet He cried out to His Father, "Forgive them for they know not what they do."

Saturday, March 17, 2007


For more than one reason, I took Catalina and Kati clothes shopping yesterday. It was actually less stressful than it's been in the past and we actually were able to find a few things.

Claudia is 9

Attitude should be this girl's middle name. She's a rebel, loves to laugh and be the center of attention, and gets into alot of trouble. She got rollerblades for her birthday and is actually getting pretty good.

Maria is 15

Maria is loved by all but also down to earth and loves just about everybody. She's fun, ambitious, and one of the few kids who sets goals for herself.

Adi is 13

a game with wikki stix-Adi looks like a king
If I could choose one word to describe Adi it would be "leader." He has really lived up to being the oldest in the house. He is definitely still a little boy at heart, and goofs off with the rest of them, but he has moments when you can really count on him.

Catalina is 12

They're all getting so big! Catalina is definitely turning into a lovely little lady. She's started going to dance lessons right near the house and is enjoying being one of the big kids.

Fanel is 8

Oh the excitement is unbearable! This kid knows how to rip open his presents.
And he also knows how to schmooz the camera. Fanel is our storyteller, and sometimes it's hard to tell what is real and what he's making up.