Wednesday, January 31, 2007

“Don’t be afraid; just believe” Mark 5:36

These were Jesus’ words to Jarius when some men came to tell him that his daughter was already dead. I feel like these are the words that Jesus is saying to me as we continue to fight battles here. So often Jesus took what was an earthly, hopeless situation--death, illness, craziness, demon-possession, sin--and brought life, healing, truth, and freedom.
I feel like that’s what we are faced with now. Hopelessness. And dare I believe that God wants to do a miracle? Dare you to believe and pray with me?
Daniel Simon is back at Casa Nadia. According to the staff doctor (who is completing his residency in psychiatry), you cannot diagnose a ten-year-old child with schizophrenia, but some of Daniel‘s behaviors point in that direction. What I was able to translate yesterday from our meeting concerning him is that he is aggressive (at least once his violent behavior has been pre-meditated), his behavior changes abruptly, he runs away from school and other authorities in his life, he has injured animals, and he has illusions (voices telling him to go to the roof of the two-story house to catch butterflies or to sunbathe when it was raining). The self portrait he drew had two heads. What seemed like it was going great in his foster family came crashing to an end when he beat up the youngest child (the same age as Daniel) and made threats to kill him. The family was obviously very disturbed and called for reinforcements and to say that they could no longer care for him.
The short term plan is for Daniel to be at Casa Nadia under 24 hour watch. This is not an easy task. Over the weekend, even with extra staff on hand he was able to sneak out of the house and go to the store down the street. He has yet to have an aggressive episode since his return, but everyone is on pins and needles. Everyone is afraid and asking “What if…?” What if Daniel goes on the roof again and jumps/falls and dies? What if he follows through on, “I’m going to kill you,” and hurts or kills another one of the children or a staff member. All of us a part of making decisions concerning Daniel are aware that Nadia is not the best place for him (mostly for the safety and the mental health of the other eight children) and we are working frantically to find another solution. As to be expected, there are not many options here. We discussed a house with a staff just for him and we discussed finding a hospital, but even those alternatives would not be for long term.
The truth is, I do not know what God’s plan is for Daniel’s life. I know that, “The Lord will fulfill his purpose” for Daniel (Psalm 138:8). I want to believe that God raised Daniel up for His purpose, that He might display His power in him and that His name might be proclaimed in all the earth. I want to believe God for a miracle.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

a favorite

mmmmm...millstone's chocolate velvet coffee is like a little sip of heaven itself.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

i don't believe in them. i've never kept them. but i am trying to be a little more goal-oriented (this is not one of my strong characteristic traits) this year. here are some i've come up with so far this year.

1 being intentional- i haven't quite figured out how to put this into other words, but i am pretty sure it means being sure i'm on the same page with God and taking advantage of the teachable moments with the kids

2 exercising-does this not make it onto everyone's list every year? but i'm serious. i've got the gear (thanks mom and dad) and i've tried out the path twice in a week's time, once during the day and once at night. it's well-populated, well-lit and there are crosswalks. i'm safe (that's for JP in Lubbock)

3 spending more time with Simona- this girl needs a friend

4 family nights- one every other week at each house=good times of bonding and teaching

5 blogging-now i'm not making promises of posting daily because i'm just not that ambitious, but more often. i hear that even though few people post comments, many people are reading about what's going on, so i'll try to be faithful to my fans (just kidding about that part, i really don't think that highly of myself).

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A New Start

Last Thursday I was able to visit Daniel Simon in his new foster home. He moved there about 2 weeks before Christmas. I am so excited for him! His behavior is better. He's more successful at school (the teacher at his old school was not going to accept him any more in her class because he kept running away and fighting). The family he's with has 3 children so he has older, positive role models. It really seems like a great situation. I think this kiddo has grown at least 2 inches since I saw him in November. We were able to visit the day after his 10th birthday. Everyone laughed when he took a picture with me, as they all realized that he learned to smile from the Americans!

A part of Daniel's new family. Sergiu, Daniel's younger brother who is still living at Casa Nadia, was able to visit Daniel with us.

Please keep praying for Daniel and this family, for their adjustment period and for when the honeymoon is over.


ummm...that's it really. i'm just really excited about being unlimitedly connected to the outside world.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

It was Christmas all over again

I got my bags last night! My living room looked it had been hit by a tornado...clothes over here, food over there, games for the kids thrown in that corner and so on. It's looking a little better, but I still have a lot to put away. I also jimmy-rigged my curtains up. Is jimmy-rig really a word because I don't think I used it until I got to Romania.
The kids are great. They've been enjoying the foosball tables that got for Christmas, finishing up homework, playing games inside and soccer outside. The weather is's been raining and everything is covered in mud. We want snow! If I have my facts straight it hasn't snowed since the last weekend in October!
The biggest change is that Daniel Simon from Casa Nadia is now living with a foster family (he is still in Livada's care, but under a new roof). Our pshchologist goes out to see him two times a week and he is apparently doing very well. The family lives further out in the country and has animals, so he is loving that...this is the kids that made a dog house for the puppies that showed up on our property and after they were gone found a kitten and brought it into the house and hid it in his closet.
Our kids (Laura, Ibi and Zorro) that are being "homeschooled" have their big exams at school this month. Adi (6th grade) is really working hard to learn multiplication. School starts again on Monday for the kids, so we have a few more days of freedom.