Just when you think everything is settled...
we receive some unexpected visitors. Monday, noonish someone from Casa Nadia comes to tell us that Claudiu and Zorro's mother and 2 of their older siblings have shown up. First of all, visiting protocol requires the setting up of an appointment through the office and never just showing up at the house. And if you will remember Claudiu and Zorro have abusive pasts and ran away from home to get away from their father. To make a very long story short, they took taxis to the office (bringing Septi along in case Dad was hiding somewhere) where the fam tried to convince the boys to come home. Zorro's response was something of the effect of, "No way, no how." However Claudiu's oldest brother whispered to him in Hungarian, "you can run away and come home." Their persuasions were strong, "Dad doesn't hit us any more; he has changed." In the end Claudiu said he would think about it and everyone went their way. I was actually surprised by Zorro's behavior. I think I thought he would be a little more traumatized and affected, but he had a great afternoon and played outside for a while (he has the tendency to always look over his shoulder and doesn't like to be out at night for fear that his dad will come). He did however tell the night mom, "Make sure the curtains are closed and the gate and the doors are locked." Claudiu on the other hand was deep in thought and pretty upset when he got home. He wouldn't take his medicine, wouldn't talk to anybody, but eventually shared with Cristina that he might want to go home. Bruce came out for a little visit and they came to the conclusion for Claudiu to call home and talk with his dad and the rest of the family. They continuned to try and persuade him to come home, that things are different, but for the time being he is sticking around and making phone calls every Saturday. Later that evening he and I sat on the couch and he shared about the day and about some of his past. I had heard most of the stories, but never from his mouth. I can't even imagine being in his shoes--leaving behind those I love, but also abuse and choosing a life with a future. Pray for this kiddo as he will be continually pressured to "come home." Pray for God's will to be done in his life.