“Don’t be afraid; just believe” Mark 5:36
These were Jesus’ words to Jarius when some men came to tell him that his daughter was already dead. I feel like these are the words that Jesus is saying to me as we continue to fight battles here. So often Jesus took what was an earthly, hopeless situation--death, illness, craziness, demon-possession, sin--and brought life, healing, truth, and freedom.
I feel like that’s what we are faced with now. Hopelessness. And dare I believe that God wants to do a miracle? Dare you to believe and pray with me?
Daniel Simon is back at Casa Nadia. According to the staff doctor (who is completing his residency in psychiatry), you cannot diagnose a ten-year-old child with schizophrenia, but some of Daniel‘s behaviors point in that direction. What I was able to translate yesterday from our meeting concerning him is that he is aggressive (at least once his violent behavior has been pre-meditated), his behavior changes abruptly, he runs away from school and other authorities in his life, he has injured animals, and he has illusions (voices telling him to go to the roof of the two-story house to catch butterflies or to sunbathe when it was raining). The self portrait he drew had two heads. What seemed like it was going great in his foster family came crashing to an end when he beat up the youngest child (the same age as Daniel) and made threats to kill him. The family was obviously very disturbed and called for reinforcements and to say that they could no longer care for him.
The short term plan is for Daniel to be at Casa Nadia under 24 hour watch. This is not an easy task. Over the weekend, even with extra staff on hand he was able to sneak out of the house and go to the store down the street. He has yet to have an aggressive episode since his return, but everyone is on pins and needles. Everyone is afraid and asking “What if…?” What if Daniel goes on the roof again and jumps/falls and dies? What if he follows through on, “I’m going to kill you,” and hurts or kills another one of the children or a staff member. All of us a part of making decisions concerning Daniel are aware that Nadia is not the best place for him (mostly for the safety and the mental health of the other eight children) and we are working frantically to find another solution. As to be expected, there are not many options here. We discussed a house with a staff just for him and we discussed finding a hospital, but even those alternatives would not be for long term.
The truth is, I do not know what God’s plan is for Daniel’s life. I know that, “The Lord will fulfill his purpose” for Daniel (Psalm 138:8). I want to believe that God raised Daniel up for His purpose, that He might display His power in him and that His name might be proclaimed in all the earth. I want to believe God for a miracle.