Wednesday, September 28, 2005

John 10:10

"The theif comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they might have life and have it abundantly."

I was reminded today that the reason things are so tough is that we are on the front lines. God desires great things for these children-abundant life actually. But Satan would like to steal it all and destroy any hope of healing and restoration and trust. I also remembered before I left the house this morning that our struggle is not against flesh and blood. I needed that reminder as this evening I struggled with 10 year old Zoro (with me in the picture above at camp).

Pray for God to rescue him from the trauma in his past.
Pray for him to learn how to deal with his anger appropriately.
Pray for him to learn how to accept discipline and correction gracefully (I think we all need to learn this).
Pray for us to continue to have a good relationship.

We are changing houses on Friday and we get 7 new children on Saturday. Pray for the transition to go smoothly for all the children.
Pray for Elena, Becky and I to have endurance and patience and grace to work with even more children.

Bruce and Catherine (our director and his wife) leave for the States on Thursday. Please pray for all to run smoothly while they are gone.


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